Unit - 12 People and Places [Class-9]

Answer the following questions.

How much do you love reading? What is the name of the last book you read?

Answer: I love reading much when I have leisure time. The name of the book I last read is Agni by Nabaraj Lamsal.

Who is your favourite writer? Say something interesting about him or her.

Answer: My favourite writer is Krishna Dharabasi, He has written so many books. He is now in America. Last week I talked to him on Tiktok live.

Reading I Paulo Coelho

Complete the table below. Use a dictionary to check the meanings. Then, choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Change the form if necessary.

Noun                        Verb                                   Adjective

embroidery        embroider






Noun                        Verb                                   Adjective

embroidery        embroider

torture                torture                                torturous

attraction           attract                                 attractive

inspiring             inspire                           inspiring

investigation           investigate                    investigative

She was an ................. example to her followers.

It is claimed that the officers ............ a man to death in a city police station.

Naturally, I ............. the tale a little to make it more interesting.

The company conducted its own internal ................... into the robbery.

The exhibition is ................ huge crowds.


inspiring   b. torture  c. embroider        d. investigation    e. attracting


The following sentences depict some of the important events in Paulo Coelho's life. Put them in chronological order.

He travelled to Santiago de Compostela which inspired him to write The Pilgrimage.

He was enrolled in a law school.

He got married to the artist, Christina Oiticica.

He stayed in a mental hospital.

Coelho established the Paulo Coelho Institute.

He left school and lived the life of a hippie.

Coelho wanted to become a writer.

Coelho wrote the allegorical novel The Alchemist.


Coelho wanted to become a writer.

He stayed in a mental hospital.

He was enrolled in a law school.

He left school and lived the life of a hippie.

He travelled to Santiago de Compostela which inspired him to write The Pilgrimage.

Coelho wrote the allegorical novel The Alchemist.

He got married to the artist, Christina Oiticica.

Coelho established the Paulo Coelho Institute.

Answer the following questions.

Why did Coelho's parents discourage him from becoming a writer?

What changed Coelho's life in a significant way?

Why is The Alchemist special?

What are most of his books about?

Write two evidences that prove Coelho is an international author.

What are the criticisms of his writing?

Write the names of two books which focus on Coelho's travels.


Coelho's parents discouraged him from becoming a writer because they wanted him to become a lawyer.

A pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain where he experienced a spiritual awakening and felt inspired to write the book "The Pilgrimage (1987)" which changed Coelho's life in a significant way.

The Alchemist is special because it has become a worldwide phenomenon. Coelho's has earned popularity as an international author. It has sold, by Coelho's count roughly 35 million copies and is now the most translated book in the world by any living author.

Most of his books are autobiographic in nature and deal with spirituality and faith, societal impacts on individuals and love.

The two pieces of evidence that prove Coelho as an international author are:

Many of his books are translated into different languages and enormously sold and

He has received several prestigious awards in international level.

The criticisms of his writing are that his books merely promote vague spirituality devoid of rigour.

'Aleph' and 'Hippie' are the two books which focus on Coelho's travels mostly.

Which of Paulo Coelho's books would you most like to read?

Give reasons for your choice.



I would like to read MAKTUB which is the finest novel of Paolo Cohelo.

Maktub means "It is written..." It is a suitable title for a collection of stories and parables that symbolize a colorful wealth of wisdom broken down into bits. These brief texts, inspired by many sources and folklore, arose from Paulo Coelho's contribution to the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.

I'm not sure if Paulo Coelho is a writer or a saint, and I'm not sure where he got the inspiration for so many short stories in this book. It appears to be a life-time collection. Paulo Coelho is heavily affected by Sufism, which explains how, like Alchemist, he began his novels with God and destiny but ended up spinning around numerous parts of life in all their richness and colours.

In the book we find the carriers traveled at a quicker pace for many days. But one afternoon, they all dropped their burdens and sat on the ground. They refused to go no matter how much money was provided. When the explorer eventually inquired why they were acting so strangely, he was given the following response. "We were working at such a breakneck rate that we had lost track of what we were doing." Now we must wait for our soul to catch up with us."

The book is loaded with meaningful, heartwarming stories that have taught me one of life's most valuable lessons: "There is a cost to following one's dreams, but it is never as great as the cost of not living out one's particular destiny and hearing our own heart declare "I wasted my life."

Grammar I (page 150)

Complete the following sentences with the article 'a', 'an' or 'the'.

Sudip bought ........ expensive guitar yesterday. .............. guitar is beautiful.

Ms Sherpa is ........university student.

........ boy wearing a black cap is my brother.

I have given him half........hour to finish the task.

Angelia has........beautiful daughter named Sophia.

Mr Gurung is ........S.P. of Nepal Police.

Is diamond …………. hardest substance in the world?

Mrs Yadav is ………. honourable teacher.

Rice sells at Rs. 60 ……… kilo.

I met …………. European writer last Monday.


an   b. a c. The         d. an   e. a  f. an    g. the h. an   i. a   j. a


Writing I (page 150)

Read the following review of The Alchemist, one of the most popular books of Paulo Coelho. Make notes and underline key points as you read. You will use the example to write your own review.


A Review of 'Agni'

Title:          Agni

Author:     Nabaraj Lamsal

Published Date: 10-09-2021

Book Award: Madan Puraskar

ISBN:        9789937753067

Publisher: Book Hill

Book Genre: Epic (Poem)

Nabaraj Lamsal has published songs, poems and epics. His voice has been heard in Radio Nepal for almost 30 years as a radio personality. Possessing a mesmerizing voice, he has written three epics namely 'Karna', 'Dhara' and 'Agni'. Similarly, two song collections and two poetry collections have also been published. Lamsal's latest work 'Agni' won the 2078 Madan Award. A conversation with Lamsal about the epic 'Agni' and his literary journey:

Going back in time, the book tells the account of King Shah Prithvi Narayan Shah and the Sen Kings of Nepal, who supposedly strove to put an end to inequality. It also discusses how power may be used to hurt marginalized people and recommends societal changes and marginalized people's independence. It is an epic that depicts the struggle and suffering of Nepal's underprivileged people. The writer employed prose as a way to represent the experiences of numerous members of Nepal's disadvantaged population, revolving around themes of caste discrimination and untouchability that are prominent in Nepali culture.

In the epic Agni, the marginalized Dalit community is sidelined by the state itself. This book has raised their issue. When Prithvi Narayan Shah was unifying Gorkha, there were 1100 households. Now, instead of fighting, the villagers asked to collect 1 rupee from each house. 1100 rupees were collected from that. With that money, Prithvi Narayan Shah went to Jasvir Kami's Aran. Where he made swords, khukuri. During the Nuwakot war in the Trishuli river, the army was not able to cross the river from Shubhghat. Jalewa Majhi cut wood and built a boat to cross the river. In this book this question is raised, where are the children of Bise Nagarchi, Jasvir Kami and Jalewa Majhi today? The poet wrote Agni because of the awareness that he should write about those marginalized people who fought for state power.

This is a very good epic. I request all to read it to learn about the scene during the period of unification.

Reading II - Madam and Her Madam

Summary of the Poem

Look at the picture below and guess the answers to the following questions.

What are the two women doing?

Answer: One woman is doing household work whereas another woman is sitting and having hot drink.

What do you think the relationship is between the two women?

Answer: The relationship between the two women is mistress and servant.


Match the following words/phrases in column A with their meanings in column B.

Column A                Column B

mean                  i.  not giving up easily

get through       ii.  a horse that is used to carry heavy loads

dinner                iii. cease to function; collapse

break down      iv. unkind

pack-horse       v. a formal and polite way of speaking to a woman

Madam              vi. to manage to do or complete something

dogged              vii. the main meal of the day


mean                  iv. unkind

get through       vi. to manage to do or complete something

dinner                vii. the main meal of the day

break down      iii. cease to function; collapse

pack-horse       ii.  a horse that is used to carry heavy loads

Madam              v. a formal and polite way of speaking to a woman

dogged              i.  not giving up easily

Answer the following questions.

Was the Madam really not mean? Why does the speaker say 'she wasn't mean'?

Make a list of work that the maid had to do.

What made her nearly break down?

How did the Madam respond to the maid's question?


No, the madam was really mean. The speaker says 'she wasn't mean' because she is so polite and frank in speaking but she makes her do hard labour.

The list of work that the maid had to do are:

Clean 12 rooms of the house

Prepare all meals

Take care of her children

Wash, iron an scrub

The heavy duties of the mistress made her nearly break down.

The madam responded very politely and lovingly to the maid's question.


The poem above presents an example of one type of discrimination. What kinds of discrimination are in existence in your society? Discuss.


Nepal is a multilingual, multicultural and multireligious country. The same situation is appeared in my society too. There are some good as well as some bad practices seen. We can find discrimination and social inequality in my society.

Discrimination can be based on a variety of factors, including age, gender, weight, ethnicity, religion, or even politics. Racism, for example, refers to prejudice and discrimination based on race. Gender bias or discrimination is sometimes referred to as sexism. In other words, discrimination is the practice of distinguishing, excluding, or favoring persons based on their race, color, gender, religion, political beliefs, or any other form of social status. Such a preference or exclusion is discriminatory in the sense that it negates or damages equality of opportunity and favors some over others in job, vocation, political power control, distribution, and usage. Such discriminations are found in my society.

Preferences given to one segment of society over another in the distribution and distribution of social privileges and chances is a major violation of human rights. It is a very bad practice. A number of international organisations and agreements have proclaimed that equality in life possibilities is a fundamental human right of all people living wherever in the globe. However, the international community's concern and associated voices made by civil society are not taken seriously in many locations. It should be taken seriously and and should be controlled.

Not only in my society but also in many regions of the world continue to face discrimination on the basis of their race, color, creed, caste, gender, and ethnicity. The people of the world are facing this problem. I request the government, NGOs, INGOs and so-called social organisations to work seriously to control such social evils.

Grammar II (page 155)

Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary. If no article is necessary put a cross (X).

A: Where did you have……lunch?

B: We went to ……restaurant.

A: Did you have …….nice holiday?

B: Yes, it was …….best holiday I've ever had.

A: Where's …..nearest grocery shop?

B: There is one at …..end of this street.

A: Do you often listen to……. radio?

B: No. In fact, I haven't got ……radio.

A: Would you like to travel in ……..space?

B: Yes, I'd love to go to ………Moon.

A: Do you go to …….cinema very often?

B: No. But I do watch a lot of films on …….television.

A: You had …….. nice time yesterday, didn't you?

B: Yes, we went for a walk by …….. Narayani River.

A: Can you tell me where ……… head teacher's room is?

B: It's on …….. second floor.


A: (X)

B: a

A: a

B: the

A: the

B: the

A: the

B: a

A: (X)

B: the

A: the

B: the

A: a

B: the

A: the

B: the

A: (X)

B: (X)

Writing II (page 156)

Write a short biography of Nepali National Poet, Madav Prasad Ghimire, based on the outline given below.

Madhav Prasad Ghimire

Birth:         23 September, 1919, Pustun, Lamjung

Childhood:   brought up by his father and grandfather after his mother’s death learned the Panchanga, went to Duradanda, Lamjung, and later to Kathmandu to study Sanskrit, studied in Banaras, India too

Career :         writing career began in Lamjung as a writer for Bhashanubad Parishad, and later as an editor for The Gorkhapatra

Works  :        Gauri (epic), Malati Mangale, Manjari, Indrakumari, Rastra Nirmata, Kinnar-Kinnari (lyrical anthology), Charu Charcha (essay collection), Aafno Bansuri Aafnai Geet, Himal Pari Himal Wari, Aswathama, Rajheswari and  Shakuntala (epic)

Awards and Honours: Distinguished Academy Medal-Shree Prasiddha Praval Gorkha Dakshinabahu -Bhanubhakta Award-Tribhuwan Pragya Puraskar-Padmashree Sadhana Samman Puraskar-Sajha Award

Personal Life: six daughters and two sons from two marriages

Death :          18 August 2020 at the age of 100, Lainchaur, Kathmandu- cremated with state honours



Madhav Prasad Ghimire:

Madhav Prasad Ghimire was born on September 23, 1919, in a town known as Pustun, in Lamjung district of Nepal. Ghimire's mother died when he was around a year and a half, and he grew up in the Lamjung. His father and grandparents raised him among the hills, forests, rivers, and peaceful streams of rural Nepal. He learnt to read at the age of six, and the Panchanga at the age of eight or nine. He left home at the age of eleven and went to Duradada to study Sanskrit. Ghimire's first instructor was a holy man who taught him and his classmates the English letters from an old grammar book. His formal education began when he was 12 years old, when his father sent him to study astrology, which he directed for more than two years. He was then sent to the Bhasa Patshala language school, which was approximately two hours distant from his village. He then moved to Kathmandu to study in Sanskrit Pradhan Pathshala and Tindhara Sanskrit Pathsala. He subsequently moved to India to continue studying and spend time studying at Banaras.

His writing career began in Lamjung as a writer of Bhashanubad Parishad. At the age of 14, he had his first publication in Gorkhapatra. Gyanpuspa was the title of his work. Later in life, he served as a co-editor for Gorkhapatra. He worked as a writer for Bhashanubad Parishad (1941 AD) and as co-editor of Gorkhapatra after graduation from Banaras (1944 AD). He returned to his birthplace in 2008 and worked as a teacher for a short time. Ghimire was vice chancellor of the Royal Academy of Nepal from 1979 to 1988 and chancellor from 1988 to 1990. During his tenure, he led delegations to China, Russia and Bangladesh.

He is highly renowned for his inspiring works such as Gauri, Malati Mangale, Manjari, Indrakumari, Rastra Nirmata, Kinnar-Kinnari (lyrical anthology), Charu Charcha (essay collection), Aafno Bansuri Aafnai Geet, Himal Pari Himal Wari, Aswathama, Rajheswari, and Shakuntala (epic). He was named Nepal's Rashtra Kavi (national poet). He is probably one of the few Nepalese poets who achieve fame and prosperity rather than the unfortunate oblivion that is usually bestowed upon them.

For his distinguished service, he was awarded the Distinguished Academy Medal, the Shree Prasiddha Praval Gorkha Dakshinabahu, the Bhanubhakta Prize, and the Tribhuwan Pragya Puraskar. He also earned the Padmashree Sadhana Samman Puraskar and the Sajha Award.

A proud father of six daughters and two boys, all of whom were highly educated, the stunning jewel of the country lived his golden years calmly with his second wife, Mahakali. At the final part of his life, he didn't have much time to write.

He died in Kathmandu on August 18, 2020, at the age of 100. In Lainchaur, Kathmandu, he was cremated with full state honors.

MPhil in ELE, Kathmandu University, Writer & Researcher in Education, SEO Practitioner & ICT enthusiast.

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