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Model Question of English For Class -10 New SEE/NEB 20 Marks

The question for reading comprehension test has been design for grade 10 SEE students. This question includes 2 reading text and one writing question

1. Read the Text & Answer the following questions - 5

In the heart of the Amazon rainforest lies a hidden treasure called the Iguazu Falls. These majestic waterfalls stretch across the borders of Brazil and Argentina, creating a natural wonder of unparalleled beauty. The thundering sound of water cascading down the falls can be heard from miles away. The mist created by the rushing water provides a refreshing spray, making it a delightful experience for visitors. The surrounding lush greenery and diverse wildlife add to the allure of this magnificent desolation. Whether you choose to explore the falls by boat or hike along the scenic trails, the Iguazu Falls will leave you in awe of nature's grandeur.

A. State True or False for the following [1x5=5]

a. The Iguazu Falls are located in the Amazon rainforest.

b. The Iguazu Falls stretch across the borders of Brazil and Paraguay.

c. The mist created by the rushing water provides a refreshing spray for visitors.

d. The Iguazu Falls are surrounded by barren landscapes.

e. Exploring the falls can only be done by hiking along the scenic trails.

2. Read the Text & Answer the following questions - 5

It was, after all, a child. Greta Thunberg sparked this global movement through an inspirational solo protest in 2018. By 2019, she rightly asserted: "We proved that it does not matter what you do and that no one is too small to make a difference." In 2020, children are saying the same thing. Like Fabrizio, a 16-year-old boy from Peru, told us in a recent child-led online conversation, "The Future of Children is at stake now, tomorrow will be too late." Children like Fabrizio are vocal in their anxiety that our dash to economic recovery will scupper climate change at net-zero commitments. They continue to pressure us all for urgency and to fight for a green recovery.

A. Answer the following questions.[1x5=5]

a. Who sparked the global movement mentioned in the paragraph?

b. In which year did Greta Thunberg make her solo protest?

c. What did Greta Thunberg assert in 2019?

d. Who is Fabrizio, and where is he from?

e. What concern do children like Fabrizio express regarding economic recovery?

3. Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting permission to organize a fundraising event for a charitable cause

4. Rewrite the following sentence using reported speech:

a. "I love pizza," said Tom.

b. "Can you pass me the book?" she asked.

c. "I will be late for the meeting," he said.

d. "I am going to the store," said Jane.

e. "We have already seen that movie," they exclaimed.

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